Historical information
A draft of the then Mayor of Tortona, in response to a circular of the Chamber of Commerce, referring to the decade 1870-1880, informs that the main gastronomic specialties of the Tortona district are the sausages and other related genera.
This appears to be confirmed by the international recognition obtained: in 1889 at the International Exhibition in Paris, on the occasion of the Centenary of the French Revolution, the salami was in fact awarded with a diploma and a silver medal.
Also in Antwerp and Brussels, in the same years, the salami of our Valleys obtained awards and honors.
There are also numerous reports, dating back to the early twentieth century, of official lunches of rulers and aristocrats, in which the so-called “Giarolini”, a sort of cacciatorini that meet vast favor, are present on the menu.
Hence the reference of the name for the Salame Nobile del Giarolo.